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2021-06-05 20:13 2022-11-10 15:20

About radar231.com

This is simply a brain dump site for me to drop random documentation, both for my future usage, as well as potentially the use of others.

These pages are written in Markdown{: target="_blank"}, more specifically Python-Markdown{: target="_blank"}. The site is created using the MkDocs{: target="_blank"} SSG (static site generator), along with the Material for MkDocs{: target="_blank"} theme.

{: style="height:10%;width:10%"} {: style="height:10%;width:10%"} {: style="height:10%;width:10%"} {: style="height:10%;width:10%"} {: style="height:10%;width:10%"} ![](imgs/discord.png "radar231 (at) discord (dot) com" title="radar231 (at) discord (dot) com"){: style="height:10%;width:10%"} {: style="height:10%;width:10%"} {: style="height:10%;width:10%"} {: style="height:10%;width:10%"}