--- ##################################################################### # # metallb_deploy role # # - requires that the 'devpath' and 'metallb_ver' variables be set # ##################################################################### # tasks file for metallb_deploy role - debug: msg="Deploying metallb load-balancer." - name: Retrieve the metallb 'metallb-native.yaml' manifest ansible.builtin.get_url: url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metallb/metallb/{{ metallb_ver }}/config/manifests/metallb-native.yaml" dest: "/tmp/metallb-native.yaml" mode: '0644' - name: Apply metallb 'metallb-native.yaml' manifest kubernetes.core.k8s: state: present src: "/tmp/metallb-native.yaml" - name: Delete retrieved 'metallb-native.yaml' manifest file ansible.builtin.file: path: "/tmp/metallb-native.yaml" state: absent ####################################################### - debug: msg="Waiting 90 seconds to allow metallb to fully deploy" ####################################################### - name: Wait 90 seconds to allow metallb to fully deploy wait_for: timeout: 90 - name: Create metallb IPAddressPool object kubernetes.core.k8s: state: present namespace: metallb-system src: "{{ devpath }}/k8s_metallb/metallb_ipaddresspool.yml" # EOF