
593 lines
18 KiB

title: Delfax Dashboard
description: ''
- title: Documentation
path: https://dashy.to/docs
target: newtab
theme: colorful
layout: auto
iconSize: small
language: en
- name: Monitoring
icon: fas fa-search
- title: Nagios
icon: dashboard-icons/png/nagios.png
target: newtab
url: http://nagios.lan
id: 0_1062_nagios
- title: Grafana
icon: dashboard-icons/png/grafana.png
url: http://metrics.lan:3000/d/bGY-LSB7k/lxd?orgId=1
target: newtab
id: 1_1062_grafana
- title: Prometheus
icon: dashboard-icons/png/prometheus.png
url: http://metrics.lan:9090
target: newtab
id: 2_1062_prometheus
- title: uptime-kuma
icon: dashboard-icons/png/uptime-kuma.png
url: http://uptime-kuma.lan
target: newtab
id: 3_1062_uptimekuma
- title: ntopng
icon: dashboard-icons/png/ntopng.png
url: http://ntopng.lan
target: newtab
id: 5_1062_ntopng
- title: k8s-lb Stats
icon: dashboard-icons/png/haproxy.png
target: newtab
url: http://k8s-lb.lan:8404
id: 6_1062_kslbstats
- title: Gotify
icon: dashboard-icons/png/gotify.png
target: newtab
url: http://gotify.lan
- title: Mobile Link
icon: icons/generac-logo.png
target: newtab
url: https://app.mobilelinkgen.com/
- name: LAN
icon: fas fa-network-wired
- title: ERX-FW
icon: dashboard-icons/png/openwrt.png
target: newtab
url: https://erx-fw.lan/
- title: MIK-FW
icon: dashboard-icons/png/openwrt.png
target: newtab
url: https://mik-fw.lan/
- title: Bell GigaHub
icon: icons/Bell_Canada-Logo.png
target: newtab
- title: Deco M4 - OFF
icon: icons/deco-m4.jpg
target: newtab
url: http://deco-off.lan
id: 1_219_decomoff
- title: Deco M4 - LR
icon: icons/deco-m4.jpg
target: newtab
url: http://deco-lr.lan
id: 2_219_decomlr
- title: Deco M4 - FR
icon: icons/deco-m4.jpg
target: newtab
url: http://deco-fr.lan
id: 3_219_decomfr
- title: TP-Link Switch
icon: icons/TP-Link_Switch.jpg
url: http://switch.lan
target: newtab
id: 5_219_tplinkswitch
- title: TL-WA850RE (P2)
icon: icons/tl-wa850re.jpg
target: newtab
id: 4_219_tlwareextendergarage
- title: Archer-C7 (P3)
icon: icons/archer-c7.jpg
target: newtab
- title: pihole1
icon: dashboard-icons/png/pi-hole.png
url: http://pihole1.lan/admin
target: newtab
id: 9_1255_pihole
- title: pihole2
icon: dashboard-icons/png/pi-hole.png
url: http://pihole2.lan/admin
target: newtab
id: 10_1255_pihole
- title: Tailscale
icon: dashboard-icons/png/tailscale.png
target: newtab
url: https://login.tailscale.com/admin/machines
- name: Servers
icon: fas fa-server
- title: DS420J
icon: dashboard-icons/png/synology.png
target: newtab
url: http://ds420j.lan:5000/
id: 0_746_dsj
- title: CUPS Printer Admin
icon: dashboard-icons/png/cups-light.png
url: http://localhost:631
target: newtab
id: 1_746_cupsprinteradmin
- title: Starbug idrac
icon: dashboard-icons/png/idrac.png
target: newtab
id: 2_746_starbugidrac
- title: NPM (LAN)
icon: dashboard-icons/png/nginx-proxy-manager.png
url: http://npm.lan:81
target: newtab
id: 5_1255_npmlan
- name: Applications
icon: fas fa-cloud
- title: FileBrowser
icon: dashboard-icons/png/filebrowser.png
target: newtab
url: http://filebrowser.lan
- title: Syncthing
icon: dashboard-icons/png/syncthing.png
target: newtab
- title: Mealie
icon: dashboard-icons/png/mealie.png
target: newtab
url: http://mealie.lan
- title: Gitea
icon: dashboard-icons/png/gitea.png
target: newtab
url: http://git.lan
id: 2_1255_gitea
- title: Linkding
icon: dashboard-icons/png/linkding.png
target: newtab
url: http://linkding.lan
id: 3_1255_linkding
- title: Fresh RSS
icon: dashboard-icons/png/freshrss.png
target: newtab
url: http://freshrss.lan
id: 6_1255_freshrss
- title: VaultWarden
icon: dashboard-icons/png/vaultwarden-light.png
url: https://vault13.delfax.net
target: newtab
id: 8_1255_vaultwarden
- title: Kasm
icon: dashboard-icons/png/kasm.png
target: newtab
url: https://kasm.lan
id: 11_1255_kasm
- title: Octoprint
icon: dashboard-icons/png/octoprint.png
url: http://octoprint.lan
target: newtab
id: 12_1255_octoprint
- name: Media
icon: fas fa-photo-video
- title: Jellyfin
icon: dashboard-icons/png/jellyfin.png
target: newtab
url: http://jellyfin.lan:8096
id: 0_480_jellyfin
- title: Music Server (LMS)
icon: fas fa-music
target: newtab
url: http://music.lan
id: 1_480_musicserverlms
- title: Transmission
icon: dashboard-icons/png/transmission.png
target: newtab
url: http://transmission.lan:9091
id: 9_480_transmission
- title: FlexGet
icon: dashboard-icons/png/flexget.png
target: newtab
url: http://flexget.lan:5050
id: 10_480_flexget
- title: Bell TV
icon: icons/Bell_Canada-Logo.png
target: newtab
url: https://tv.bell.ca/
- title: CBC Listen Live
icon: icons/cbc_listen.png
url: https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio
target: newtab
id: 3_480_cbclistenlive
- title: CBC Gem
icon: icons/cbc_gem.jpg
url: https://gem.cbc.ca/
target: newtab
id: 4_480_cbcgem
- title: Pluto TV
icon: icons/plutotv.png
url: https://pluto.tv
target: newtab
id: 2_480_plutotv
- title: Tubi TV
icon: icons/tubi.png
url: https://tubitv.com/home
target: newtab
- title: NPR Stream
icon: icons/npr.png
url: https://www.npr.org/about-npr/472557877/npr-program-stream
target: newtab
id: 5_480_nprstream
- title: Netflix
icon: dashboard-icons/png/netflix.png
target: newtab
url: https://www.netflix.com/browse
id: 6_480_netflix
- title: Amazon Prime
icon: icons/prime-video.png
url: >-
target: newtab
id: 7_480_amazonprime
- title: Youtube Music
icon: dashboard-icons/png/youtube-music.png
target: newtab
url: https://music.youtube.com/
id: 8_480_youtubemusic
- title: Plex (main website)
icon: dashboard-icons/png/plex.png
target: newtab
url: https://www.plex.tv/
id: 11_480_plexmainwebsite
- title: Google Photos
icon: icons/google_photos.png
url: https://photos.google.com
target: newtab
id: 12_480_googlephotos
- name: Home-Automation
icon: fas fa-house-user
- title: Home-Assistant
icon: dashboard-icons/png/home-assistant.png
url: http://home-assistant.lan:8123
target: newtab
id: 0_1495_homeassistant
- title: Frigate
icon: dashboard-icons/png/frigate.png
target: newtab
url: http://frigate.lan:5000
- title: MotionEye
icon: dashboard-icons/png/motioneye.png
target: newtab
url: http://motioneye.lan:8765
id: 1_1495_motioneye
- title: Driveway Cam
icon: fas fa-video
url: http://driveway-cam.lan
target: newtab
- title: Front Cam
icon: fas fa-video
url: http://front-cam.lan
target: newtab
- title: Back Cam
icon: fas fa-video
url: http://back-cam.lan
target: newtab
- name: Wikis & Websites
icon: fas fa-file-alt
- title: notes-wiki
icon: icons/tiddlywiki.png
target: newtab
url: http://notes-wiki.lan
id: 0_1459_noteswiki
- title: website-wiki
icon: icons/tiddlywiki.png
target: newtab
url: http://website-wiki.lan
id: 1_1459_websitewiki
- title: website.lan
icon: icons/tux-matrix.png
target: newtab
url: http://website.lan
id: 2_1459_websitelan
- title: radar231.com
icon: icons/tux-matrix.png
target: newtab
url: http://radar231.com
id: 3_1459_radarcom
- title: wfh-wiki
icon: icons/tiddlywiki.png
target: newtab
url: http://wfh-wiki.lan
id: 4_1459_wfhwiki
- title: journal-wiki
icon: icons/tiddlywiki.png
target: newtab
url: http://journal-wiki.lan
id: 5_1459_journalwiki
- title: delfax.net
icon: icons/tux-matrix.png
target: newtab
url: http://delfax.net
id: 6_1459_delfaxnet
- title: nbtwiki
icon: icons/twiki.jpg
target: newtab
url: http://twiki.lan/bin/view
id: 7_1459_nbtwiki
- name: Ham-Radio
icon: fas fa-broadcast-tower
- title: QRZ Logbook
icon: icons/qrz.png
url: https://logbook.qrz.com/
target: newtab
id: 0_818_qrzlogbook
- title: LOTW/ARRL
icon: icons/lotw.jpg
url: https://lotw.arrl.org/lotwuser/default
target: newtab
id: 1_818_lotwarrl
- title: SKCC
icon: icons/skcc.png
url: https://www.skccgroup.com/
target: newtab
id: 2_818_skcc
- title: SKCC Sked
icon: icons/skccsked.png
url: https://sked.skccgroup.com/
target: newtab
id: 3_818_skccsked
- name: VPS & Domain Links
icon: fas fa-map-marked-alt
- title: Namecheap
icon: icons/namecheap.png
target: newtab
url: https://ap.www.namecheap.com/
id: 0_1496_namecheap
- title: CLoudflare
icon: icons/cf-logo-v-rgb.png
target: newtab
url: https://dash.cloudflare.com/554569e3179fa04363bb28211cdaacb5
id: 1_1496_cloudflare
- title: Oracle Cloud Manager
icon: dashboard-icons/png/oracle-cloud.png
target: newtab
url: >-
id: 2_1496_oraclecloudmanager
- title: MaxMind (GeoLite2 IP Geo DB)
icon: icons/geoip.png
target: newtab
url: https://www.maxmind.com/en/account
id: 3_1496_maxmindgeoliteipgeodb
- name: External Websites
icon: fas fa-external-link-alt
- title: Proton Mail
icon: dashboard-icons/png/proton-mail.png
target: newtab
url: https://mail.proton.me/u/1/inbox
- title: MyBell
icon: icons/Bell_Canada-Logo.png
target: newtab
url: https://mybell.bell.ca
- title: Videotron
icon: icons/videotron_logo.png
target: newtab
url: https://videotron.com/en/signin
id: 3_1705_videotron
- title: TekSavvy
icon: icons/teksavvy_logo.png
target: newtab
url: https://mysavvy.teksavvy.com/
id: 4_1705_teksavvy
- title: Homelab Wiki
icon: icons/homelab-wiki.png
target: newtab
url: https://thehomelab.wiki
id: 0_1705_homelabwiki
- title: Grok TiddlyWiki
icon: icons/tiddlywiki.png
target: newtab
url: https://groktiddlywiki.com
id: 1_1705_groktiddlywiki
- title: Talk TiddlyWiki
icon: icons/tiddlywiki.png
target: newtab
url: https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/
id: 2_1705_talktiddlywiki
- name: Monitorix
icon: fas fa-info-circle
- title: kryten (multihost)
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://kryten.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 0_969_krytenmultihost
- title: starbug
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://starbug.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 1_969_starbug
- title: reddwarf
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://reddwarf.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 2_969_reddwarf
- title: skutter01
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://skutter01.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 3_969_skutter
- title: skutter02
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://skutter02.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 4_969_skutter
- title: hollister
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://hollister.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 5_969_hollister
- title: holly
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://holly.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 6_969_holly
- title: metrics
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://metrics.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 7_969_metrics
- title: node-1-rpi4
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://node-1-rpi4.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 8_969_noderpi
- title: node-2-lxc
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://node-2-lxc.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 9_969_nodelxc
- title: node-3-lxc
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://node-3-lxc.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 10_969_nodelxc
- title: node-4-lxc
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://node-4-lxc.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 11_969_nodelxc
- title: node-5-rpi4
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://node-5-rpi4.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 12_969_noderpi
- title: node-6-rpi4
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://node-6-rpi4.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 13_969_noderpi
- title: node-7-rpi4
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://node-7-rpi4.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 14_969_noderpi
- title: delans
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://delans.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 15_969_delans
- title: haproxy
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://haproxy.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 16_969_haproxy
- title: jellyfin
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://jellyfin.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 17_969_jellyfin
- title: lms
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://lms.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 18_969_lms
- title: lxdware
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://lxdware.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 19_969_lxdware
- title: npm
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://npm.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 20_969_npm
- title: ntopng
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://ntopng.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 21_969_ntopng
- title: pihole1
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://pihole1.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 22_969_pihole
- title: pihole2
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://pihole2.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 23_969_pihole
- title: twiki
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://twiki.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 24_969_twiki
- title: kasm
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://kasm.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 25_969_kasm
- title: webtop
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://webtop.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 26_969_webtop
- title: ttrss
icon: icons/monitorixlogo.png
target: newtab
url: http://ttrss.lan:8185/monitorix
id: 27_969_ttrss
- name: Getting Started
icon: fas fa-rocket
- title: Dashy Live
description: Development a project management links for Dashy
icon: https://i.ibb.co/qWWpD0v/astro-dab-128.png
url: https://live.dashy.to/
target: newtab
id: 0_1481_dashylive
- title: GitHub
description: Source Code, Issues and Pull Requests
url: https://github.com/lissy93/dashy
icon: favicon
id: 1_1481_github
- title: Docs
description: Configuring & Usage Documentation
provider: Dashy.to
icon: far fa-book
url: https://dashy.to/docs
id: 2_1481_docs
- title: Showcase
description: See how others are using Dashy
url: https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/blob/master/docs/showcase.md
icon: far fa-grin-hearts
id: 3_1481_showcase
- title: Config Guide
description: See full list of configuration options
url: https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/blob/master/docs/configuring.md
icon: fas fa-wrench
id: 4_1481_configguide
- title: Support
description: Get help with Dashy, raise a bug, or get in contact
url: https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/blob/master/.github/SUPPORT.md
icon: far fa-hands-helping
id: 5_1481_support